There are many different reports available for Earnings. Each allows a different way to view what was earned over a set date range or specific bonus run.
Navigation: Bonus → Reports → Earnings
Most of these reports are intuitive by name, but here are some highlighted ones:
If there are bonuses configured to payout in Credits rather than Cash, you can use this report to see how much each run paid out in Credits.
This is used to create a report that can be used to create marketing material. It will show the breakdown of earnings over a specified date range and how many reps attain each level. This includes highest, lowest, average, and median earnings by rank.
This report will show the top 10 (or more) reps based on the commissions earned over a specified period of time. This can be used to highlihght these reps.
This report will show the earnings for each rep by each bonus run.
This will show the same results as Total Earnings, but with more columns with extra details.