All bonus runs can be viewed from Bonus → Reports → Compensation Runs
This will list all official and unofficial runs. If there are nightly jobs setup to run, there will also be Scheduled runs listed. You will need to check the box for Scheduled and click the Reload button.
This overview page will show the bonus description (based on the period: weekly, monthly, etc.), Type (Official or Unofficial), Status (last step completed), Period dates, Qualification Dates, and modified by info.
The last column will show the total payout for that run.
You can click on any of the rows to open that run.
This will show a breakdown of the bonus payouts, ranks earned, and each qualification agent. If you need to see the results for a specific rep, you can enter their rep number at the top and click Go.
You can drill down into the run by clicking on any of the numbers or results in the Total columns.
This will show you what each rep achived on that particular item.
Here is the Personal Sales Bonus:
You can click on any of the Blue text to drill down farther into the supporting agents.