In this step, you are choosing which bonus types will be calculated in this commission run. Depending on your comp plan you may want to run all or just some of the bonuses listed here.
Bonus types that are intended to be ran in different periods should never be processed in the same bonus run. Always run weekly bonuses using a weekly bonus period and monthly bonuses using a monthly bonus period, etc.
Click Process.
When payouts have been calculated, a Review button will become available on the left side of the screen. Clicking this button will take you to the same unofficial qualifications report you would have viewed had you clicked Review during Step 1. The difference is this report will now show the unofficial payout calculations as well as the qualifications. Had you clicked Review during Step 1, you would have only seen the qualifications as the payouts would not have been calculated yet.
To proceed to Step 3 from the Local Menu, select Processing: 3. Commit, or, if you are still on the calculate payout completion screen, simply click Commit.
For additional bonus help, see the following pages:
Bonus Reports
Bonus Research