This last step actually generates the file with your payout data. This may be in the form of a PDF with printable check images, or a data file with ACH/Direct Deposit information to be uploaded to your payout processor.
If, like described in Step 4: Batch Out, you utilize more than one payout processor, there may be more than one payout file listed that needs to be generated, as shown in the above screenshot.
Any period that has not been generated will be listed in the Payout Process dropdown. Select the desired commission run, click the checkbox for each payout method you wish to generate a file for, and click Generate.
Each payout file that you selected will be created and a link to access the files will be listed.
Once you have generated the payout file, should you need to access it again, it will be available from the Local Menu > Administration > Payouts > Payout File Listing.
Adminstration Department > Genealogy > Rebuild Links
This should be done after running bonus to ensure that the reporting in Revolution matches what is used when running bonus.
Depending on your genealogy configuration, you may only have one genealogy to rebuild.
Adminstration Department > Volume > Volume Types
You should calculate the Real-time volumes for the bonus period that you are completed. This will ensure that the reporting in Revolution will match what is in Bonus.
Scroll down to the bonus period that you are about to run and click on the Calculate button.
The first column of dates is the Bonus Period. The last column is the last time each period was calculated.
The older periods will become locked within a few weeks of the period end date. This is to ensure the volumes remain accurate.
To manually lock a volume, just click on edit and update the Lock date to a date in the past.
For additional bonus help, see the following pages:
Bonus Reports
Bonus Research