Allows you to retrieve the shipping information for a specific OrderID or all orders in a date range.
You can also use filters such as CarrierName, ShipCountry, and ShipMethodID.
Please be advised that orders must not be in a shipped status and cannot include virtual orders.
JSON format
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"carrierName": null,
"orderID": 91153,
"shipCountry": null,
"shipMethodID": null
"startDate": "9/25/2022",
"endDate": "9/27/2022",
"carrierName": null,
"orderID": null,
"shipCountry": null,
"shipMethodID": null
Responses are provided in an XML format.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OrderDate>02/07/2023 00:00:00</OrderDate>
<DatePosted>02/07/2023 10:31:15</DatePosted>
<RepFirstName />
<RepLastName />
<ShipName1>Andrea Katz</ShipName1>
<ShipName2 />
<ShipStreet1>1 Old Ranch Rd</ShipStreet1>
<ShipStreet2 />
<ShipCity>PARK CITY</ShipCity>
<OrderDate>02/07/2023 00:00:00</OrderDate>
<DatePosted>02/07/2023 10:31:15</DatePosted>
<RepFirstName />
<RepLastName />
<ShipName1>Andrea Katz</ShipName1>
<ShipName2 />
<ShipStreet1>1 Old Ranch Rd</ShipStreet1>
<ShipStreet2 />
<ShipCity>PARK CITY</ShipCity>
<OrderDate>02/07/2023 00:00:00</OrderDate>
<DatePosted>02/07/2023 10:31:15</DatePosted>
<RepFirstName />
<RepLastName />
<ShipName1>Andrea Katz</ShipName1>
<ShipName2 />
<ShipStreet1>1 Old Ranch Rd</ShipStreet1>
<ShipStreet2 />
<ShipCity>PARK CITY</ShipCity>
An empty response would signify that there was nothing found.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ListOfOrderShippingViewModel />