SOAP-based WebService functions are called using a predefined XML Request and Response against a given function definition and endpoint. Each endpoint contains a number of functions and its own WSDL. SOAP calls are made without HTTP protocol level authentication over HTTPS where the access credentials are provided within the Credentials object of the Request XML. SOAP calls should also be made using the API sub domain where the end points would be in the form of
.asmx. For some older clients, can be used for the domain instead. The WSDL can be accessed by appending ?wsdl to the given endpoint.
Some of the functions in these modules have updated equivalents in the newer RESTFul WebAPI. We recommend using the newer versions whenever possible and current and future development is now focused on RESTful WebAPI and not these SOAP WebServices.
The end points are broken up into several modules containing related functions. The most common modules to use are OnlineAPI and ReplicatedSiteAPI.
Complete Module/End-Point List
- AutoshipAPI - This API group provides options for creating and managing AutoShip Profiles. You can create and alter profiles for reps and customers as well as update the Credit Card on file for the profile.
- DynamicEngineAPI
- eMessageAPI - This API group is less frequently used and allows you to interface with the Party e-Message or eVites system.
- ExtranetAPI - This API group provides options for checking and updating inventory stock levels. It also provides an option for item availability change notifications to be sent to reps or customers when a request item becomes available.
- InventoryAPI - This API group provides options for checking an updating inventory stock levels. It also provides an option for item availability change notifications to be set to reps or customers when a request item becomes available.
- OnlineAPI - This API group is the most requested. It provides options for creating your own shopping cart, enrollment form, or customer creation form. It also provides a range of options for managing reps and customers, processing payments, and using seamless authentication with the Extranet, Revolution, or the ShoppingCart. This also includes a variety of other functionalities as well.
- OnlineLeadsAPI - This API group provides functions for adding and managing a rep's leads.
- OrderAPI - This API group provides functionality for retrieving information on existing orders. It also provides functions for integrating with a fulfillment process and other order management functions.
- PartyAPI - This is a specialized function group that can allow you to create your own party management portal similar to what is available in the Extranet and Revolution. If you are only adding orders to a party, functions are available in the OnlineAPI to allow you to add a Shopping Cart Order to a Party similar to what is available the Legacy Shopping Cart as well as in Shopping Cart 2.0.
- PromotionsAPI - This API group provides legacy API support for promotions. It is recommended to use the available functions in the RESTful API as they provide improved support for newer promotion configurations and API support for using promotions with PartyAPI.
- ReplicatedSiteAPI - This group provides basic functions for building a replicated site. GetRepInfo_V3 from this group is the principal function used for most replicated sites and is the core function behind the available ByDesign WordPress Plugin.