Cart Browsing: Message must be paired with a Cart Browsing Promotion Condition.
This action will display a user message during the cart browsing to display to a user how close they are to achieving a promotion.
Description: A mandatory field for the name of the Action.
Start/End Dates: These dates determine how long this Action will be active.
Supported Promotion Types: Identifies what type of orders the Promotion will evaluate against.
Is this Promotion Discount Taxable?: Allows you to choose whether the item associated with this Promotion Action will contribute to the Rep's taxable income. You can set this as a taxable percentage or a flat amount.
This action will display a user message during the cart browsing. Use these fields to show how close they are to achieving a particular promotion.
Message - Put the message that will show in the cart here. Replace tokens are supported that will be replaced with the amount remaining, etc.
Decimal Places - How many decimal places to display in the message variables (CURRENT, REMAINING). The dropdown numbers are from 0 to 4.
Is Blocking - Should this action result in blocked checkout user interaction in the Cart?
When set to "Yes" the checkout button will be inactive on the shopping cart bag summary.
When set to "No" the checkout button will be active on the shopping cart bag summary.
For additional information about promotion actions, see the following:
Promotion Actions