Discount - Order Line is a Promotion Action that allows you to discount a single product on an Order.
Description: A mandatory field for the name of the Action.
Start/End Dates: These dates determine how long this Action will be active.
Supported Promotion Types: Identifies what type of orders the Promotion will evaluate against..
Shopping Cart Discount Display: Determines how the discount will be displayed on the shopping cart checkout page if there are multiple discounts from Discount - Order Promotions on the order.
Is this Promotion Discount Taxable?: Allows you to choose whether the item associated with this Promotion Action will contribute to the Rep's taxable income. You can set this as a taxable percentage or a flat amount.
Percentage: Determines what percentage the discount will be.
Quantity: Determines the maximum amount of items the discount is allowed to apply to.
Item #: Choose a specific item to apply the discount to. Leave on All Inventory if intending to use an Inventory Collection instead.
If this setting is set to anything other than "All Inventory" it will overwrite Inventory Collection.
Inventory Collection: Choose a specific Inventory Collection to apply the discount to.
This setting will overwrite Item # if Item # is set to "All Inventory".
Apply to existing Item: A dropdown menu allowing you select whether the discount applies to an existing item in the order or if it adds a new item to the order and applies the discount to that item.
Disabled (Add New Item): Adds a new item to the order and applies the discount to that item.
Apply to Existing (lowest price first): Applies the discount to an existing item on the order starting with the lowest priced item.
Apply to Existing (highest price first): Applies the discount to an existing item on the order starting with the highest priced item.
Applies To Retained Earnings: Selecting this will allow any items discounted by this Promotion to count towards overall party sales for the purposes of calculating retained earnings.
Stacking Enabled: Determines whether the discount can be applied on top of other discounts from other Promotions.
Taxable Amount Multiplier: Determines the percentage of the taxable amount of the discounted product that is to be charged.
Shipping Value Miltiplier: Determines the percentage of the Shipping Value of the discounted product that is to be charged.
Compare Multiplier: Determines the percentage of the Compare Value of the discounted product that is to be displayed.
Other Price 1-4 Multiplier: Enter the percentage of Other Price X to go into the discounted product.
Please note that the Other Price options listed here will be determined by your commissions plan. Other Price typically reflects a flat dollar payout awarded when an inventory item is purchased. For example, Retail Profit would use an Other Price field populated in inventory pricing.
Volume 1-4 Multiplier: Enter the percentage of Volume X to go into the discounted product.
Please note that the Volume options listed here will be determined by your commissions plan.
Recompute Tax after Discount: If checked, taxes will recompute after adding the discount.
This is useful for VAT if trying to discount subtotal but not discount tax.
For additional information about promotion actions, see the following:
Promotion Actions