Discount - OrderLine FlatAmount is a Promotion Action that allows you to discount a product on the current order by a flat amount.
Description: A mandatory field for the name of the Action.
Start/End Dates: These dates determine how long this Action will be active.
Supported Promotion Types: Identifies what type of orders the Promotion will evaluate against.
Is this Promotion Discount Taxable?: Allows you to choose whether the item associated with this Promotion Action will contribute to the Rep's taxable income. You can set this as a taxable percentage or a flat amount.
Discount Amount: The flat discount amount that will be awarded.
Volume 1-4: A dropdown that determines the Volume behavior for the line item effected by the discount, relating to Volume X.
Please note that the Volume options listed here will be determined by your commissions plan.
Item #: Choose a specific item to apply the discount to. Leave on All Inventory if intending to use an Inventory Collection instead.
If this setting is changed to anything but "All Inventory", it will overwrite Inventory Collection.
Inventory Collection: Choose a specific Inventory Collection to apply the discount to.
This setting will only overwrite Item # if Item # is set to "All Inventory".
Stacking Enabled: Determines whether the discount can be applied on top of other discounts from other Promotions.
For additional information about promotion actions, see the following:
Promotion Actions