Use this action to reward the customer with an amount of money to spend in a predefined list of items. The amount of money can be setup as flat amount or a percentage of the subtotal or the entire party (Not including any order in the host reward order).
Description: A mandatory field for the name of the Action.
Start/End Dates: These dates determine how long this Action will be active.
Supported Promotion Types: Identifies what type of orders the Promotion will evaluate against.
Is this Promotion Discount Taxable?: Allows you to choose whether the item associated with this Promotion Action will contribute to the Rep's taxable income. You can set this as a taxable percentage or a flat amount.
Calculation Type: Determines if the shopping spree amount will be calculated as a specific flat amount or percentage of the order or party total. If a flat amount is setup, the Percentage and Max Amount fields will be ignored. The promotion action can only work with one type: Flat Amount or Percentage.
Flat Amount: Allows a specific flat amount to be added to the shopping spree. The customer will be able to select products until this amount as a top limit.
Percentage: Allows a specific percentage of current subtotal to be added to the shopping spree. Enter "100" for 100%, or the full percentage amount. The customer will be able to select products until this percentage is achieved. The limit of the percentage will be defined by Max Amount.
Max Amount: Allows a maximum amount to award. This would override a percentage that goes over the max. It also would override any cumulative that goes over the max.
Allow purchase over shopping spree amount: If enabled, the user can select more than the shopping spree amount and just get charged the difference.
Applies To Retained Earnings: Determines if retained earnings calculations would have to take or not these promotional products into consideration. For example, if unselected, retained earnings calculations would have to skip these promotion products. This only applies to Party Clients.
Include Inventory Collection: Allows a specific inventory collection to be tied to the reward list. If an inventory collection is selected, only the inventory items in that collection will be applicable to the calculation for the reward list.
Exclude Inventory Collection: Allows a specific inventory collection to be excluded from the reward list. If an inventory collection is selected, the inventory items in that collection will NOT be applicable to the calculation for the reward list.
Carryover Excess: Defines what to do with any reward portion not utilized. Either the excess is ignored, or applied to the applicable Credit Account (based on default transfer account) upon the order posting of the Host Award Order.
Compare Multiplier: Enter the percentage of Compare to go into the free product. For instance, for 100% enter "100" and for 50% enter "50".
Volume Multiplier: Enter the percentage of Volume to go into the free product. For instance, for 100% enter "100" and for 50% enter "50".
Other Price Multiplier: Enter the percentage of Other Price to go into the free product. For instance, for 100% enter "100" and for 50% enter "50".
Taxable Amount Multiplier: Enter the percentage of Taxable Amount to go into the free product. For instance, for 100% enter "100" and for 50% enter "50".
Shipping Value Multiplier: Enter the percentage of Shipping Value to go into the free product. For instance, for 100% enter "100" and for 50% enter "50".
For additional information about promotion actions, see the following:
Promotion Actions