Returns true if a bonus qualification is also true. Can also return a cumulative value for numeric agents. Optionally can also create orders if they don't already exist. This will never return true for a customer, as qualification agents are rep specific.
Description: A mandatory field for the name of the Condition.
Start/End Dates: These dates determine how long this Condition will be active.
Supported Promotion Types: Identifies which types of orders the Promotion will evaluate against.
- Qualification Agent: This dropdown will list applicable bonus agents. Bonus agents are unique elements of you compensation plan that were configured to determine volumes, qualifications, ranks, etc. If the agent selected is a true/false agent (for example, if the agent is Bonus Qualified and to be bonus qualified a rep must have 100PV and 1 personally enrolled customer), the agent will return True if the rep meets the criteria in the selected bonus period. For a cumulative promotion, the promotion would return the agent's value. For example, for a volume based agent such as PV, if the rep's PV in the selected bonus period is 100, the condition would return 100.
- Handle Multiple Orders: Either every order can be awarded a promotion, or only a single order, which is the order with the largest volume sum (ALL volume columns).
- Create Orders: If enabled, any qualified rep who does not have an order will have one created in the AutoShip batch. The default bill/ship country from the Rep's profile will be used. Note that the order will force 0 shipping/handling as it's designed for an award order. If the order does end up requiring a payment the order will remain in entered status until payment is manually created. Also note that the setting AUTOSHIP_POST_ZERO_DOLLAR_ORDERS must be enabled for the $0 orders to actually be posted via AutoShip.
- Shipping Method: In the case of an order being created, this is the shipping method that will be used for the new order.
- Bonus Run To Use: The Qualification Agent must be linked to a specific bonus period.
- Scheduled Bonus Run would only look at a committed scheduled run from the last scheduled execution. If there are multiple scheduled runs, the latest bonus period would be used, with the last run by date as the tie breaker.
- Last Committed would look at the last non scheduled run that was committed with the latest period used.
- Bonus Run with Period in AutoShip Date will take whatever bonus where the new order date of the Autoship falls within the period start and end dates. If a scheduled and official bonus run exist both meet the criteria, the official would be selected.
- All options will only look at runs from the selected period calendars.
- Period Calendar: This is the period calendar to search when selecting the bonus run to use from the criteria above. This is driven by you compensation plan and can include options like Weekly or Monthly.
- One Time Promotion: This determines how often a Rep can qualify for this condition. Note the prior evaluation check is based on the current promotion only.
For additional information about promotion conditions, see the following:
Promotion Conditions