This promotion condition evaluates based on the portion of shipping configured, shipping value configured, and the shipping cost of the current order.
Description: A mandatory field for the name of the Condition.
Start/End Dates: These dates determine how long this Condition will be active.
Supported Promotion Types: Identifies what type of orders the Promotion will evaluate against.
Shipping Subtotal: Include the shipping subtotal (not including shipping tax) when computing the total to award towards the promotion.
Shipping Tax: Include the shipping tax when computing the total to award towards the promotion.
Handling Subtotal: Include the handling subtotal (not including handling tax) when computing the total to award towards the promotion.
Handling Tax: Include the handling tax when computing the total to award towards the promotion.
Portion of Shipping: Enter the portion of the shipping cost per Shipping Value associated with the current order that should be given back to the purchaser. For example, if 125% of each dollar in shipping cost paid should be given back, enter "1.25" into this field.
Shipping Value: A portion of shipping will be awarded for each Shipping Value of shipping costs associated with the current order.
Award Cap: When in use, this field will limit the amount returned by the condition. For example, 125% of the shipping cost on the current order is $35 and the Award Cap is configured as "30.00". The condition would return $30 instead of $35.
For additional information about promotion conditions, see the following:
Promotion Conditions