This promotion condition validates if the Ordering Rep's Join date is in the date range selected, and if the Volume requirements are met.
Description: A mandatory field for the name of the Condition.
Start/End Dates: These dates determine how long this Condition will be active.
Supported Promotion Types: Identifies what type of orders the Promotion will evaluate against.
Greater Than or Equal To: Number of days entered include Join Date itself. Setting this to 0 days would be the same as saying ''On their Join Date''; setting to 1 would be one day after Join Date, etc. Setting this to 0 Months would evaluate as the Month of their Join Date.
Less Than or Equal to: Number of days entered include Join Date itself. Setting this to 30 would be the same as saying ''30 days after Join Date'';setting to 99999 would effectively set the Max to 'infinity'. Setting to 1 month would evaluate that it is the Month after their Join Date Month.
JoinDate In Range: When checked, this promotion will only evaluate true when the subject’s join date is inside the supplied period in addition to the volume requirements.
Must have a certain Volume total in the timeframe specified above which falls between 'Volume Min' and 'Volume Max' fields.
Volume Min: This field sets the minimum Volume amount for the time period for an order to evaluate as 'true'. Orders with 'Volume' below this 'Min' will not evaluate as 'true'.
Volume Max: This field sets the maximum Volume amount for the time period for an order to evaluate as 'true'. Orders with 'Volume' below this 'Min' will not evaluate as 'true'.
Volume to Use: This field defines which volume to use in 'Volume Min/Max' evaluation.
Current Order Only: When checked, the Volume Requirements in 'Volume Min/Max' fields will be evaluated in the current order ONLY. If unchecked, Volume Requirements in 'Volume Min/Max' fields will be evaluated according to the timeframe established in the 'Time since Join Date - Volume' fields.
Include Related Orders: If the "current order only" field is selected, this option allows the condition to also include any orders that are linked to the current order, either through sub orders or parties. Sub orders is a way to link multiple orders together, typically through a customization.
Disallow Promotion Reuse - Action: If checked, this condition will only apply on items which have not been 'awarded' as actions in prior promotions when evaluating Volume Requirements.
Reps or Customers: When evaluating prior orders (not including current order), this allows limiting the orders considered from either reps, customers, or both.
If configured as Current Order Only, this field is not used (ignored).
Consider the following examples for how this is evaluated:
Exclude Inventory Collection: Dropdown selection of Inventory Collection to exclude from the promotion.
For additional information about promotion conditions, see the following:
Promotion Conditions