Departments > Administration > Bonus > Promotions > Promotions
This menu has 2 different screens:
- one when you first create a Promotion
- an expanded one with more functionality once you save a Promotion for the first time, or edit an existing one.
If your screen seems to be missing features, make sure you have saved the Promotion at least once.
Description: Add a title for your Promotion here.
Explanation: Add an explanation of your Promotion here. This displays on Shopping Cart when Promotions are awarded.
Active: Set's whether the Promotion is able to be earned or not, as well as if it will appear in certain areas of the system.
Action: Set what Action will occur when the Promotion is awarded.
Multiple actions for one Promotion was not designed for the Shopping Cart, and is only possible when awarding Promotions through the Promotion API. Please do not use Action 2 or 3 unless you're utilizing the API to award the Promotion you're configuring.
Start Date: Set when the Promotion Period begins.
End Date: Set when the Promotion Period ends.
Suggest: A dropdown menu that allows you to change the display of how Promotions are awarded.
If there are multiple Action options to choose between, the system must suggest even if "Do Not Suggest" is selected.
Cumulative: If checked, the system will award multiples of the Action equivalent to how many times all Conditions were met for the Promotion.
Online: If checked, the system will evaluate this Promotion for Online Order which includes Shopping Cart, Extranet, and API utilizing Online Orders.
Archive: Checking this will prevent the Promotion from appearing on the main list page and in drop down menus.
Typically you select this when you no longer intend to use the Promotion.
Back Office: If checked, the system will evaluate the Promotion for Back Office Orders.
APIs: If checked, the system will evaluate the Promotion for API orders.
Party Orers: If checked, the system will evaluate the Promotion for Party Orders made through the Extranet.
Party Reward Orders: If checked, will allow the Promotion to be applied to an order in addition to Party Rewards.
Only relevant for configurations that use both Party Rewards and Promotions.
Enrollment: Allows Promotions to be applied to Enrollment Orders.
Enrollment only supports a limited version of the Promotions Engine. Please keep the following in consideration:
1) Only Promotions with Do Not Suggest selected will be applied. Any Promotions requiring Suggestion rules will not be applied.
2) Conditions based on prior Orders or Conditions will not be supported.
3) Conditions based on a Rep are not supported since a Rep for an Order does not exist until Enrollment is complete.
Target Type: A dropdown menu that allows you to limit what kind of user will be able to earn the Promotion.
Sort Order: Determines the order in which Promotions evaluate in the case of an order earning multiple Promotions. This is ordered in Ascending order.
Price Types: Select which Order Price Types are eligible to earn this Promotion. You can select multiple or just one. Pressing the + or - button will add all Price Rows or remove all Price Rows respectively.
Countries: Select which Country(s) the Promotion is eligible for awarding in.
Periods: Allows you to select a specific Bonus Period that the Promotion is able to be awarded in.
For additional information about promotions, see the following:
Promotion Actions
Promotion Conditions
Promotion Collections
Promotion Engine Overview
Promotions Examples
Promotion Set Up
Promotion Types