This step calculates all qualifications (Volumes, Ranks, Payout Requirements, etc.) for the given commission period.
From the Compensation Plan dropdown, select the appropriate comp plan version (if more than one is available). The compensation plan version will default to the current active version. This dropdown will typically only have one version available. If you are currently working with ByDesign to implement a new comp plan version, a staging (test) version of the new plan may be available for selection here. Once you commit a bonus period using that staging version, it will replace the existing version and become the only available option in this dropdown. Until you commit a bonus period with that staging version, you will be able to run Steps 1 and 2 using either version of the comp plan.
From the Period dropdown, select the period for which you wish to calculate bonus (more than one may be available). This will default to the next period following the last processed period. So if you last processed qualifications for August, this will default to September.
The next three sequential periods from the last period processed will show in the period dropdown. For example, there must be at least an unofficial run for September in order for December to show as a processing option.
When ready to calculate qualifications, click Process. This step of bonus typically takes the longest.
Once Qualifications are calculated, you will be given two options on the left side: a Next button and a Review button. The Next button will take you directly to Step 2: Calculate Payouts. Should you click Next and then wish to return to the unofficial qualifications screen to review, you may select Reports>Compensation Runs from the Local Menu. This will take you to a list of all official and unofficial runs where you can select the period you most recently processed. The Review button will take you to an unofficial qualifications screen where you can review the qualifications calculated in Step 1.
When viewing the unofficial qualification report, there are three buttons available on the left side of the screen: Commit, Delete, and Edit. Unless you have processed Step 2: Calculate Payouts within the past 30 minutes for this specific period, you should never click Commit from this screen. As you can see in the screenshot below, no payouts have been calculated (third column), as step 2 has not been processed. Delete will allow you to delete this run only if it is an unofficial run (meaning you have not committed it). Once you have committed a run, you will need to contact ByDesign Support in order to have that period deleted.
The Edit button allows you to rename the period and select or deselect the option to show this run on Revolution (the checkbox labled "Display on Extranet"). Renaming the bonus period will rename it both in the back office and in Revolution.
To proceed to Step 2 from the unofficial qualifications review page, from the Local Menu, select Processing: 2. Calculate Payouts, or, if you are still on the calculate qualifications completion screen, simply click Next.
For additional bonus help, see the following pages:
Bonus Reports
Bonus Research