To turn on the Incentive Tracker, enable the IncentiveTracker_InUse Freedom Setting. Once enabled, you can proceed with configuring Incentives.
Configuring the Incentive Tracker requires creating the Incentive, which may be a prize, trip, or event. This consists of levels and qualifiers. After it has been configured, it needs to be processed to ensure the most updated Incentive progress is being reported to the Reps in Revolution and in the Freedom BackOffice.
To view the Incentives, navigate to the Incentives page in the Freedom BackOffice.
Freedom Backoffice > Administration > Bonus > Incentives > Incentives
In the Freedom BackOffice, select the + sign to create a new Incentive Event.
Fill in the following fields:
The Description and Explanation will be visible to the Rep in Revolution on the Incentives Tracker page.
Select Create. The page will refresh and the areas to define the Qualifiers and Levels for the Incentive will become available to customize the new incentive.
The Qualifiers of the incentive will define the items that will be used to award points. These points will be used to determine what levels are achieved by the rep.
Select the + sign to create a new Qualifier. The following Qualifiers are available to use:
Attributes are values that can be manually assigned to an individual rep.
You can create the attribute from Administration > Bonus > Incentives > Incentive Attributes.
Example: Create an Attribute named Booster Points with a Numeric type. You can then add this as a qualifier to manually add points to a rep.
Go to a Rep's back office page > Bonus > Administration menu > Attributes. You can then add the attribute to the rep with a custom number of points.
Awards points per personal volume gained by the Rep.
Example: The Personal Volume Qualifier is configured to award 1 point per volume. If a Rep earns 10 in volume, then the Rep will be awarded 10 points.
Awards points per volume earned by Sponsored Reps.
Example: The Sponsored Rep Volume Qualifier is configured to award 1 point per volume earned by a Sponsored Rep. If Sponsored Rep earns 10 in volume, then their Sponsor will be awarded 10 points.
Awards points per Party.
Example: The Party Qualifier is configured to award 1 point per Party held. If a Rep holds 2 parties, then the Rep will be awarded 2 points.
Awards points per Sponsored Rep.
Example: The Sponsored Rep Qualifier is configured to award 1 point per Sponsored Rep. If a Rep sponsors 3 new Reps, then the Sponsoring Rep will be awarded 3 points.
Awards points per Sponsored Reps that have promoted to a specific Rank.
Example: The Sponsored Rep Rank Promotion Qualifier is configured to award 1 point per Sponsored Rep promoting to the Elite rank. If 1 Sponsored Rep promoted to the Elite rank, then the Sponsoring Rep will be awarded 1 point.
Awards points per Rank Promotion achieved by the Rep.
Example: The Promotion Qualifier is configured to award 10 points for promoting to the Bronze rank. If a Rep promotes to the Bronze Medalist rank, then they will be awarded 10 points.
Awards points for joining between the Incentive Start and End Date.
Example: The Join Date Qualifier is configured to award 10 points for enrolling between the Incentive Start and End Date. If a Rep enrolls between the Start and End Date, then the Rep will be awarded 10 points.
Awards points for placing a specific amount of Customer orders of a specific order total.
Example: The Rep's Customer Purchase Qualifier is configured to award 1 point per Customer that places a $10 order. If a Rep has 3 Customer orders of at least $10, then they will be awarded 3 points.
Awards points for promoting to a new, highest achieved rank in the Rep's Lifetime.
Example: The New Rank Promotion Qualifier awards 5 points for promoting to Elite for the first time. If a Rep promotes to Elite for the first time in their lifetime, then they will be awarded 5 points.
Awards points for maintaining a certain rank throughout the Inventive period.
Example: The Maintaining Rank Qualifier is configured to award 5 points for maintaining Elite rank. If a Rep maintains the Elite rank during the Incentive, then they will be awarded 5 points.
Awards points for earning a certain amount of commissions on any bonus type.
Example: The Commissions Earned Qualifier is configured to award 5 points for earning $50 on the Group Bonus. If a Rep earns $51 in commission on the Group Bonus, then they will be awarded 5 points.
Each Qualifier has it's own set of fields to configure, such as Point Caps, Point Values, and Ranks. Fill out the required fields, such as how many points a Rep will earn per Party or the limit of points they can earn from Personal Volume.
Select Save to see the new Qualifier that was created listed on the Incentive Edit page.
Below the Qualifiers are the Incentive Levels. These will define the points required for each level of the event and what the Rep will be awarded with as they achieve each level.
To create a new level, select the + sign.
For each Level, the following must be defined:
Select Save. The new Level will be listed on the Incentive page under the Qualifiers list.
To view the newly created Incentive Tracker in Revolution, a new menu item will need to be created to allow Reps to view their progress, as shown in the image below.
You can reference Menu Add Item for instructions on how to create this new menu item.
URL: /Home/GotoApp?url=/incentive/list&localeID=
Freedom BackOffice > Rep back office page > Revolution > Commissions > Incentive Tracker > Select the newly created Incentive.
Please note that the location of the Incentive Tracker may differ based on how the Revolution menu is configured. For information on Revolution menus, please see Revolution Menus.
Once the menu item has been created, navigate to the Incentive Tracker menu in a Rep's Revolution account.
On the Incentive Tracker for the newly created Incentive, Reps will be able to see how they are progressing, what level they are on, and the breakdown of points they have earned.
Incentives will need to be processed in order to update the Rep's progress for the Incentive, display the updated progress on Revolution, and view overall progress in the BackOffice reports.
On the Process Incentives page, use the drop down menu to choose the Incentive and select Process. This will run all the data for that Incentive that was chosen.
Freedom BackOffice > Departments > Administration > Bonus > Incentives > Process Incentives
After it has completed processing, the updated information will become available in the BackOffice reporting and Revolution on their Incentive Tracker.
You can automate the processing of the incentives here:
Freedom BackOffice > Departments > Administration > Tools > Process Schedule/Config > Configure Process
Click on the Blue button at the top right to add a new schedule.
Give this a name (Description), Select Incentives for the Process Type, and select the incentive. You can then set how often it is processed.
You will need a separate schedule for each incentive that is configured.
To view the updated reporting available in the Freedom BackOffice on the Incentive, navigate to the Incentive Runs for the breakdown of each Inventive Run.
Freedom BackOffice > Departments > Administration > Bonus > Incentives > Incentive Runs
From the Incentive Bonus Runs list, select the Incentive that was recently processed to view the Report Summary.
On the selected Incentive, there are two filter options to utilize for the report: view by Incentive Run or by Rep.
For the Incentive Run, the total amount of points earned for each Qualifier and total Reps that earned each Level is displayed. To view the breakdown of each value, such as which parties earned points or which Reps achieved a specific level, simply select the line value to view the details.
For additional information on the Incentive Tracker, see the Incentive Tracker Examples article.