Note: Customer referral market must be enabled. The setting JS_CART_NEWCUSTOMER_REFERRAL_MARKET_REQD should be set to anything but "disabled" so that a new customer may enter a referred customer's number upon account creation.
If you would like to set up a promotion that revolves around the order being placed by a referred customer, a condition is needed. This condition uses the Condition Type "Referred Customer Order" and simply evaluates the order to see if the customer was ever referred by another customer.

- A promotion can be given to the referred customer that gives a percentage off their subtotal. The promotion would use the Referred Customer Order condition, and an action that provides some percentage off, as seen in the image below.

- Another promotion could be set up to award the referring customer a credit. The promotion would use the Referred Customer Order condition, and an action using the Action Type "Award Credits".
- Here the credits are being awarded to the referring customer. The credits are being given as 10% of the order's total, and are set to expire after one month. With this action set up, any time a referred customer places and order, the customer that referred them will get credits on the order.

- If a promotion should only be awarded to a referred customer on their first order, then another condition can be added. The condition type is "Not Earned Past Promotion".
- Here the condition is evaluating if the referred customer has ever placed an order that received the Referred Customer Discount promotion.
- The same condition can be used to limit credits that are awarded to the referring customer. If the promotion awarding credits should only be applied once for each referred customer, then the condition will see if the referred customer placing the order has ever placed an order where they earned the Referred Customer Discount. If they have placed such an order, then the referring customer will not earn credits. This additional condition will not impact the promotion being awarded on the first order for new referred customer orders.

For more information about customer referrals, see the following pages:
Customer Referral Program
Customer Referral Technical Details
Customer Referral Configurations
For additional information about promotions, see the following:
Promotion Builder (Promotions)
Promotion Actions
Promotion Conditions
Promotion Collections
Promotion Engine Overview