The Customer Referral Program use the shopping cart and Promotion engine to reward customers and their sponsoring reps for referring new customers. There are several options for customer referrals and/or the referring sponsor that can be leveraged to setup a customer referral marketing strategy.
To begin configuring a Customer Referral program, please see Customer Referral Configurations
Once the referral customer option is enabled, the customer referral ID can be entered during the customer enrollment process, which will link the newly enrolling customer to an existing customer.
This setting will also attach a Customer's ID to their shopping cart URL. Meaning when a customer is browsing the cart, their customerID is added to the cart URL as the ReferringCustomerDID. They can share this link with other potential customers. If a potential customer makes a purchase using that existing customer's URL, it will automatically link the customers together.
Example Customer Referral Link:
A customer's referral link cannot be changed or updated by the customer or rep once the account is created. This information can only be changed from the corporate back office. The customers referred by the sharing customer can then be tracked and used by the promotion engine.
For more information on the technical details of how these association are managed, please see Customer Referral Technical Details
Once the customer referral feature is in use, the promotion engine can be leveraged to award users (referring customer, referred customers, and\or the sponsoring rep) in several ways.
For additional information about Customer Referrals, please see the following pages:
Customer Referral Technical Details
Customer Referral Configurations
Customer Referral Promotion Sample